Chairwoman McDaniel's Winter Meeting Message "This is our moment"

Chairwoman McDaniel's Winter Meeting Message
"This is our moment"
Casting a vision: This week, Republican National Committee Chair-woman Ronna McDaniel joined Republican leaders to highlight recent GOP accomplishments and outline a game plane for the midterm elections.
Momentum building: The GOP won big in November, making a clean sweep of Virginia's top elected offices and winning races from Buffalo, New York to deep-blue Seattle. This momentum will only build in the coming months thanks to early efforts like:
• Engaging with minority voters and opening community centers to reach new voters.
• Restoring faith in our electoral system by making it easier to vote and harder to cheat.
• Fighting for a presidential debate format that is fair and serves the interests of the American people.
Thanks to Biden's failed policies, the case for Republican leadership has never been more clear. Biden has put Americans last at every turn:
• Rising prices for everyday goods
• Empty shelves because of a supply chain crisis
• A sluggish economy crippled by Democrats' job-killing policies
• Dangerous streets as violent crime surges all over America
• A border crisis that's allowing illegal migrants and lethal drugs to pour into our county
It's no wonder there's been record growth in red states as Americans flee Democrat-run states for those with Republican leadership. Americans know Republican policies work.
"This is how we put our country back on track," said Chairwoman McDaniel. "We will save the America we know and love. This is our moment. We know our mission. We will prevail."