Democrats Gun Grab Messaging Emphasize Emotional Assaults over Facts

Dexter Lui, a resident of Oriental in Pamlico County, introduced a 2012 gun lobby report titled “Preventing Gun Violence Through Effective Messaging”. at the April Pamlico County GOP meeting.  This report provides talking point guidelines for Democrats and anti-gun groups to take advantage of violent events to advance firearms legislation. 

“Key Messaging Principle”, to always “…focus on emotional and value-driven arguments about gun violence, not the political food fight in Washington or wonky statistics.”  Key principle number two is to “Tell stories with images and feelings…Our first task is to draw a vivid portrait and make emotional connection. We should rely upon emotionally powerful language, feelings and images to bring home the terrible impact of gun violence.”  (Forbes, Larry Bell, contributor)

Dexter had asked that we all  take the time to read and learn how the Democrats are pushing their anti-gun agenda.  By learning what they have planned, we as supporters of the 2nd Amendment, have the fuel to offer rebuttal with the facts. The best "ammunition" we have to fight this anti-gun agenda, is to learn the facts for every talking point in this report, because Democrats can't deal with facts. 



You can read or download the report in the link below. 

Preventing Gun Violence Through Effective Messaging