Great American Comeback Continues

Our Great American Comeback Continues
• The V Shape recovery we have seen all summer is continuing.
• Under President Trump, we will return to our unprecedented prosperity.
• The jobs report continues to beat expectations.
o In August, 1.4 million jobs were added back to the economy.
o The unemployment rate dropped 1.8 points.
o The women’s unemployment rate decreased by 2%.
o The Black unemployment rate dropped by 1.6%.
o The Hispanic American unemployment rate dropped by 2.4%.
o The Asian American unemployment rate dropped by 1.3%.
• August marked the 4th largest job gain in American history and 2.5 times better than anyone month under the Obama- Biden Administration.
• In the past 4 months, more than 10 million jobs have been added to the economy -- nearly half the jobs lost during the global pandemic.
• President Trump’s efforts to protect American workers and businesses during the coronavirus pandemic have clearly worked.
o The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has provided more than $252 billion in favorable loans to over 5.2 million American businesses.
o 159 million Americans have received coronavirus relief payments.
• Operation Warp Speed is close to delivering a coronavirus vaccine which will further help reopen the economy.
o Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are continuing their crusade against President Trump’s coronavirus vaccine.
• Joe Biden would be the worst person to put in charge of the economy. Biden and the Democrats would immediately collapse the economy.
o As Vice President, he presided over the worst recovery since the Great Depression.
o Joe Biden’s economic plan includes a massive $4 TRILLION tax hike on hardworking Americans.
o 82% of families would see their taxes go up under the Biden tax plan.
o Biden has vowed the “first thing” he would do would be to repeal the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
o Joe Biden would shut the economy down again.
• President Trump built the greatest economy in the world and is doing so again. He is the man to continue leading our Great American Comeback.
• In a second term, President Trump has said he will:
o Create 10 million new jobs in 10 months
o Create 1 million new small businesses
o Cut taxes to boost take-home pay and offer “Made in America” tax credits
o Expand Opportunity Zones
o Continue with record deregulation
o Fight for freer, fairer, and more reciprocal trade deals
Our Great American Comeback Continues
• If Joe Biden wins, China wins.
• During 47 years of public service, Biden failed to stand up to China’s unfair trade practices. In fact, Joe Biden has been one of the world’s biggest cheerleaders for China.
o Biden even joked about China helping him become President.
• He would not hold the Chinese regime accountable and his coziness with the Chinese regime would be a disaster for the American worker.
o Chinese State Media has praised Joe Biden’s worldview as one that “runs parallel to Beijing’s.”
• Biden championed China’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WHO) which resulted in the loss of 60,000 factories.
• He opposed President Trump’s life-saving China travel restrictions. Biden called the restrictions irrational and “hysterical xenophobia.”
• Biden would restore funding to the World Health Organization (WHO).
• Biden attacked the president for saying COVID-19 originated in China.
• The Biden family is financially beholden to China.
o Hunter Biden benefitted from China when his father was Vice-President.
• Throughout his time in office, President Trump has been tough on China and has put America First, especially during the comprehensive and bold approach to stopping the China virus.