Supreme Court Vacancy

President Trump has an obligation to fill the seat and he intends to announce this week.


In both 2016 and 2018, the American people elected a President and Senate Republicans who are committed to selecting judicial nominees who believe in applying the Constitution as written. 

  • As precedent and the Biden Rule both dictates, and President Trump made clear - we have an obligation to fill the vacancy without delay. 
  • Joe Biden has previously said: “I made it absolutely clear that I would go forward with a confirmation process as chairman, even a few months before a presidential election…”

There have been 29 times a vacancy opened during an election year or prior to the inauguration. In each case, the sitting President has made an appointment. 

  • Previous Supreme Court Justices have been confirmed in less than 45 days. 
    • Justice Ginsburg was confirmed in just 42 days after her nomination. 
  • Senate Democrats have agreed, the Supreme Court needs 9 justices to function properly.


President Trump has a proven track record of appointing Supreme Court justices who will uphold the Constitution and rule of law. 

  • Since running for office in 2016, Donald Trump has been fully transparent with his list of potential Supreme Court nominees. The voters elected him as President fully knowing who he would nominate. 
  • Joe Biden has failed to release a list of judges he would appoint and it is important for the American people to know what type of judge he would select.